Lens Monday Group meets fortnightly and welcomes any adult who is free on a Monday, there is no upper or lower age limit! We listen, share and care, pray and learn in a relaxed and happy environment. It would be our joy to welcome you at all or any of our meetings.
Spring Programme - all meetings take place in the church centre.
- Wednesday 1 January 10.30am: New Year informal Coffee Morning in the church centre.
- 13 January, 10.30am: Working in Nepal on climate-resilient agricultural initiatives. Roger Cozens, a member of All Saints, Sidmouth, shares his experience. Coffee £1.
- 27 January, 12.30pm: New Year Lunch at The Smugglers Inn, Dawlish. Option of choice from the menu, or carvery £16.95 (adult) or £13.95 (smaller appetite for over 60s). Desserts £7.95. Free hot drink after the meal. Please book by 23 January. (Pay on the day direct to The Smugglers and driver). Suggested travel contribution £3.30. (arrangements to be notified nearer the date).
- 10 February, 10.30am: A Lens member reviews a book and opportunities to get to know each other better through various activities. Coffee £1.
- 24 February, 2.30pm: Working with Internationals at St Sidwell's Community Centre. Christine Townsend from the St Sidwell's Centre, Exeter. Tea £1.50.
- 10 March, 10.30am: A Lens member reviews a book and opportunities to get to now each other better through various activities. Coffee £1.
- 24 March, 10.30am: The life and times of a Youth Minister. St Leonard's Youth and Families Minister, Luke Markham, shares his story. Coffee £1.
- 7 April, 2.30pm: The Falklands War and one veteran's miraculous resurrection in Christ. Steve Jones, Team Rector of Exmouth Coastal Churches. Tea £4.