Jesus is Lord
Gospel ministry happens through the faithful service of our church family, underpinned by prayer and in dependence on our generous, loving, heavenly Father. Through practical service and financial giving, supported by prayer, we all have the joy of seeing God’s kingdom grow as we minister to one another, support the wider mission of the Church of England and support our Mission Partners internationally.
Everything we have is from God
(1 Timothy 6:17)
What we can give, and those to whom we give, is a personal matter (2 Corinthians 9:6,7). We can have confidence that ‘God loves a cheerful giver’ and ‘God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.’ (2 Corinthians 9:8). Giving results in ‘thanksgiving to God.’ (2 Corinthians 9:11).
Ways of giving
Giving your time
Giving financially
Our annual budget relies on contributions that work out at £28 per person per week (£120 per person per month). More information on our budget is available from the Church Office/Treasurer. If you would like to support us financially there are two options:-
- The PCC fund: Money given to the PCC supports ministry at St Leonards, the wider C of E, our Mission Partners and pays for the upkeep of the buildings.
- The Larkbeare Christian Trust (an independent charity) which gives money to the PCC to support the work of non-ordained staff and gospel ministry at St Leonards, including our Ministry Assistant Programme. Please click the link for further details.
See below for payment options
Make a one off payment to the PCC fund using your bank card or credit card. (Donorbox charges us for processing these payments):
Set up a one-off or monthly payment to the PCC fund using these bank details (CAF Bank, Account name: St Leonards PCC, Exeter. Sort code: 40-52-40 Account number: 00024296). If you are eligible, please complete the Gift Aid form.
Make a one-off payment or set up a monthly payment to the Larkbeare Christian Trust using its bank details (CAF Bank, Account name: Larkbeare Christian Trust, Account number: 00027626, Sort Code: 40-52-40). If you are eligible, please complete the Gift Aid form.